
Fenghuang (鳳凰 - Fungwong or "Chinese Phoenixes"). Tile mural on Phoenix Street, Shiqi District, Zhongshan, Guangdong Province, China.

01 April 2011

The House: Parlor

At the front door is the portal to the parlor.   (Click on pictures for higher resolution viewing.)

Parlor in the direction of Shan Feng Jie.  The screen separates it from Grandpa's room.
  A window is on the right wall.  Scene with Dad, Gou Lam Ngaa, and police officer.

Parlor window.

Closeup of plaster work above window.

View from Grandpa's room into the parlor.  Screen is in the foreground and commemorative plaque is in the background.

Commerative plaque to Wan Grandmother's (婆) and All Wan's (公) spirits (神) with offerings and joss sticks..

Separator screen.

Glass panel on separator screen.

Wood panel on separator screen.

Parlor panel (upper section) opposite Shan Feng Jie side of the room.

Parlor panel (lower section) opposite Shan Feng Jie side of the room.

Ducks glass panel on parlor panel.

Birds bathing glass panel on parlor panel.

Etched glass panel on parlor panel.

Close-up of minstrel on etch glass panel on parlor panel.

Glass panels and mural above parlor.

Close-up of glass panel above parlor.

Close-up of mural above parlor.