
Fenghuang (鳳凰 - Fungwong or "Chinese Phoenixes"). Tile mural on Phoenix Street, Shiqi District, Zhongshan, Guangdong Province, China.

01 May 2011

Images of Shan Feng Jie

Phoenix Street appears to be historic, as well as economically and architecturally diverse.  There is no trash and almost every place is kept well swept.  The street is just a short walk from the major downtown hotels, so, like me, many tourists find it enigmatic and curiously inviting.

An alley leading up toward a tenement at the foot of Yandunshan.

Shan Fung Jie just outside number 68 in the direction away from the river.  Note the tile murals on the wall in front of the industrial building and the potted plants in front of them.

Poem on tile.

Tile mural of frontier mountains, lake, and river.

Tile mural of serene lake.

Tile mural of phoenixes.  (Used as banner for this blog.)

Houses with a fantastic amount of clutter.

High-rise apartment building across the street from number 68.

Dad with helpful resident in front of her house.  She took us to the community center with the local Communist Party office to help us look for Great Grandfather's house.  The search turned up no leads.

Early 20th century Eurpean-style Art Nouveu residences on 山凤街五横巷 (Shan Feng Jie 5 Heng Xiang - Mountain Phoenix Street 5 - Cross Alley).  A study of Shan Feng Jie 5 Heng Xiang is on this blog site (translation).

The Shan Feng Jie 5 Cross Alley sign is between the two residences.  The pink and yellow building with the precarious wiring in front has apartments for rent.

Front of the pink and yellow residence.

Alley off of Phoenix Strret leading up toward Yandunshan.

Another alley off of Phoenix Street leading up to Yandunshan.

Collasping corregated metal walls of a workroom atop a Phoenix Street house.

A woman who calls herself LQ made a photographic study of Shan Feng Jie (translated).